Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia is asked to assess the financial and offshore scheme for the withdrawal of millions of euros to the accounts of the Cypriot company Trofense Holding Limited and the possible role in this story of the former shareholder and ex-head of the FESCO board of directors Andrei Severilov.

According to UtroNews sources, over 25 million euros have been scrolled through Trofense Holding Limited, bypassing the legal beneficial owner Sergei Tyulenev. How money was withdrawn to Cypriot accounts and what relation Severilov, who recently created his own transport company , may have to this, the UtroNews correspondent found out.

The editorial office of UtroNews learned that an application was submitted to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia from the writer Sergei Tyulenev, who, against his will, was involved in a dubious scheme involving a whole pack of Cypriot legal entities registered in his name. According to Tyulenev, he handed over his Cypriot passport to a longtime acquaintance Andrei Severilov, and later unexpectedly turned out to be the founder of 300 foreign companies with a dubious reputation and lit up in a number of financial scandals. The statement to law enforcement agencies, written by Tyulenev, did not help, the case is washed and practically does not move off the ground.

Meanwhile, Cypriot firms, bypassing the legal owner Tyulenev, continue to scroll through various schemes related to the withdrawal of money from the Russian Federation, bypassing tax contributions.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov

Photo: provided by source UtroNews

According to Tyulenev, set out in a statement to the prosecutor’s office, all the trials that take place and took place in Russia with the participation of Trofense Holding Limited were carried out by a certain group of persons on forged documents, since he did not issue a power of attorney to conduct business.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov

Photo: provided by source UtroNews

In particular, he clarified that in March 2017, Katina Papanikolau, director of the Cyprus company Trofency Holding Limited, being also a director of the Cyprus company PARALLEL NOMINEES CYPRUS LIMITED, opened an account for Trofense at Sistema Bank, whose shareholder was Alexey Bogachev. Money was allegedly transferred to this account from the sale of certain plots in the village of Zhukovka, and later they were withdrawn to foreign accounts. In history, according to Tyulenev, a certain Andrei Severilov also participated, which is related to a number of Cypriot offshore companies.

Let’s look at this clever scheme.

Judging by the materials of the bankruptcy courts of Eurofinance LLC, an analysis of the cash turnover on the company’s settlement accounts showed that it became a kind of transit for $16 million, which it received as a loan from Promsvyazbank back in 2015.

The owners of Eurofinance LLC were foreign firms: since 2016 - the London private joint-stock company Manzfield Igzekutive Limited, before it - offshore from the British Isles KERBY TRADE, LTD. The beneficiaries of the first company were ex-State Duma deputy Ildar Samiev, his sister Roza Samieva and businessman Sergei Beef, the second - Roza Samieva.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


So, having received a loan from a bank, Eurofinance LLC draws up a loan agreement and transfers the money to ProfInvest LLC, allegedly in order to replenish working capital. The loan agreement was extended for several years, but the money was not returned.

Moreover, ProfInvest LLC transferred the entire amount to Astoria LLC as payment for the site in Zhukovka.

An important point: Astoria LLC bought the site in 2014 from AURINE TRADING LIMITED.

Later, the site was split into two parts and in 2017 it was transferred to Trofense Holding Limited under a compensation agreement, which sold them to LABINI INVESTMENTS LIMITED in 2018, and that, in turn, sold the land to Alexei Bogachev in 2020.

Already in court, the affiliation of Astoria LLC, AURINE TRADING LIMITED and ProfInvest LLC in relation to Eurofinance LLC was revealed and signs of transit were found at ProfInvest LLC, which did not conduct real economic activities. That is, in fact, the schemes for withdrawing the site and paying for it outside Russia were scrolled?

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


At the same time, according to open data, the director of LABINI INVESTMENTS LIMITED was a certain ALEXEY BOGACHEV. That’s a coincidence!

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


And now about the possible role of Mr. Severilov in this story.

Katina Papanikolaou, who was a director of Trofense, is also a director of a number of Cypriot firms, including TINGUETA HOLDING LIMITED, PARALLEL NOMINEES CYPRUS LIMITED and PARALLEL TRUSTEE LIMITED.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


Through an offshore company from the British Isles - ORIDEN HOLDINGS LTD, a certain ANDREY SEVERILOV is associated with PARALLEL NOMINEES CYPRUS LIMITED, as well as its family foundation Andex Foundation from Liechtenstein. The latter was held in the criminal cases of ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov and the Magomedov brothers, who lost their shares in FESCO.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


Also in the disclosure of information about the beneficiaries of Loko-Bank, it is noted that TINGUETA HOLDING LIMITED owns 100% of the shares of PALAMEDOS CORPORATION LIMITED and is the nominee shareholder of the company in favor of Andrey Severilov. The connection, as they say, is obvious.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov

Photo: анализбанков.рф

In addition, Katina Papanikolau appeared in the case of the nationalization of FESCO shares transferred from the convicted Magomedov brothers to the state. Andrei Severilov and related offshore companies passed through it, including those to which Ms. Papanikolau was involved.

ARMANDO ROGEL VILA CABRERA could also be noted in the biography of PARALLEL NOMINEES CYPRUS LIMITED, which in one of the court disputes in the Supreme Court of the Eastern Caribbean Islands claimed that he was a companion of Mr. Severilov.

Thus, Severilov’s connection in the money transit chain in the history of Eurofinance is indirectly evident. In this regard, in his application to the Prosecutor General’s Office, Mr. Tyulenev asks the competent authorities to assess the role of this businessman.

At the same time, the deal where Trofense appeared was not the only one. So, back in December 2015, RosinterBank (burst in 2016) issued a loan in the amount of 561 million rubles to a certain Zarechye LLC. LLC SPORT-MODERN was the guarantor for it.

The owner of Zarechye LLC was the Cypriot OLEVILLE TRADING LIMITED, which also owned Eurofininvest Investment Group LLC. The above Astoria LLC and Eurofinance LLC were noted in the list of owners of the latter even before the offshore. So both deals have a direct connection.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


So, a year after the loan was issued (in July 2016), RosinterBank JSCB signs an assignment agreement (cession) with Labini Investments Limited, already known to us. It was already about 627 million rubles. A day later, LABINI concludes an agreement on the assignment of rights to claim this debt with Trofense.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


Since the main debtor had already been liquidated by that time, in 2020 Trofense goes to court with a claim against the guarantor - SPORT-MODERN LLC and collects the entire amount.

Based on the court’s decision, the money is transferred to Cypriot accounts and floats into the unknown, since the legal beneficiary Sergei Tyulenev, according to him, had no idea about any transactions and, accordingly, did not receive money. It was about the amount of at least 9.5 million US dollars.

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


According to a similar scheme, decisions were made by the Presnensky District Court of Moscow in 2019, according to which, in favor of Trofense, a debt was collected from a certain A.L Glukhov under an innovation agreement - $4,574,370.14 and interest - $3,0078.39. And again, LABINI appeared in history, which was led by Mr. Bogachev.

A kind of financially useful tandem of Severilov and Bogachev?

Business schemes with Cypriot drift: the Prosecutor General complained about Severilov


As we can see, court decisions made it possible to legally withdraw large sums from Russia. At the same time, the legal owner did not issue any orders for transactions and representations in court, and billions of rubles were scrolled through the company according to dubious schemes.

I would like to know where the competent authorities are looking when large sums are floating from Russia, despite the fact that all the beneficiaries and persons involved in the schematics are known?